Yoke Lore

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Goodpain Ukulele tab

Yoke Lore



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Tono:  G
Intro: G Am C F 

verse 1 
G      Am                   C           F 
  We know where all the red ferns grow 
G       Am          C              F 
  Two feet against me, beyond my reach 
G       Am                      C                        F 
  Six keys, one whole heart for each, one whole wave for me 
G         Am                  C                  F 
  Grass stains, cut my bloody knees. It's good pain 
                        F  C  G  Am 
  It means I can't be fazed 
F C G Am That little death inside my sides, will make it right F C G Am He wins every time I find myself inside, alone all night F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright
F C verse 2 G Am C F Rorschach, the pieces that I lack G Am C F I felt stained, cold beneath my waves, behind my suture face G Am C F Cursed down, throw my certain doubt, let me let you down
F C G Am That little death inside my sides, will make it right F C G Am He wins every time I find myself inside, alone all night F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright
F C G Am
F C G Am That little death inside my sides, will make it right F C G Am He wins every time I find myself inside, alone all night F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright F C and I'll be howling keeping you between my eyes G Am There I'll be alright
F C G Am F C G Am F C G Am F
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