Kelly Clarkson

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Empty Handed Acordes

Kelly Clarkson



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Empty Handed


 Intro:     D     A     G  (2x) 

D                   A 
 Did you know that nothing was right 
 Were you just happy to hide 

 Behind dreams and broken lies 
D                    A 
 There's a crack in your perfect smile 
 That's been growing a while 

 Did you think you'd go out in style 

D                    G 
 With all that you know 
D                   G    A 
 How long did you know 

D           A 
 You took me for granted 
Bm          G 
 I don't understand it 
D             A 
 While looking for answers 
Bm           G 
 I came up empty handed 
D               A 
 But don't worry about me 
Bm                 G 
 Cause I'm stronger than you think 
D            A 
 And I know its a blessing 
 Bm          G       D     A     G 
 I came up empty handed 

D               A 
 Can you be whoever you like 
 You just turn off the lights 

 And find yourself a different disguise 
D                           A 
 So you hide the scars you built over time 
 Do you think I'm blind 

 You're still lovely on the inside 

D                   G  
 With all that you know 
D                   G    A 
 How long did you know 

D           A 
 You took me for granted 
Bm          G 
 I don't understand it 
D             A 
 While looking for answers 
Bm           G 
 I came up empty handed 
D               A 
 But don't worry about me 
Bm                 G 
 Cause I'm stronger than you think 
D            A 
 And I know its a blessing 
 Bm          G       Bm    A    G 
 I came up empty handed 
           Bm    A    G 
 Empty handed 

 D    A    G 

D                        A 
 When did you know that nothing was right 
 Were you just happy to hide 

 Behind dreams and broken lies 
D                    G  
 With all that you know 
D                     G   A 
 Why didn't you just go 

D           A 
 You took me for granted 
Bm          G 
 I don't understand it 
D             A 
 While looking for answers 
Bm           G 
 I came up empty handed 
D               A 
 But don't worry about me 
Bm                 G 
 Cause I'm stronger than you think 
D            A 
 And I know its a blessing 
 Bm          G       D    A   G 
 I came up empty handed 
           D    A    G 
 Empty handed 
 D    A     G  

 Empty handed 

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