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Girlfriend Ukulele tab




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(Paul McCartney)

Tono:  G
	  Intro G  G6/E  G  G6/E 
        Am7  Am9  C9 

G   G6/E 
G G6/E                Am7        C/D 
  I'm gonna tell your boyfriend, yeah 
G    G6 
Tell him 
G G6/E                Am7    C/D 
  Exactly what you're doing, yeah 
G                       Em 
Tell him what you do to me 
        Am                     F        
Late at night when the wind is free 

( Fm  Fm7  Fm6  Fm ) 

G   G6/E        

( Eb  G  D  G ) 
( Eb  G  D  G ) 

G   G6/E 
G G6/E                Am7        C/D 
  I'm gonna show your boyfriend, yeah 
G    G6 
Show him 
G G6/E                  Am7     C/D 
  The letters I've been saving, yeah 
G                       Em 
Show him how you feel inside 
         Am                 F        
Then our love couldn't be denied 

( Fm  Fm7  Fm6  Fm ) 

And we're gonna have to tell him 
       Am                   Am    C     G  
You'll only be a girlfriend         of mine 

G               Am7                  G 
   Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
             Am7                  G 
Do do do do, do do do do do do do do, do do do do 

Eb       G     D       G 
Till the river stops a-flowin' 
Eb       G            D     G 
Till the wind doesn't wanna blow 
Eb       G       D       G 
Till the flowers stop a-growin' 
Eb      G            D       G 
Till my love doesn't wanna know 

Solo A  A6/F#  A  A6/F# 
       Bm  E  Am  E/G#  
       F  Am  E/G#  Am  Em 
       F  Fm  Fm7  Fm6  Fm 

And we're gonna have to tell him 
       Am                   Am    C     G  
You'll only be a girlfriend         of mine 

G   G6/E 
G G6/E                  Am7        C/D 
  We'd better tell your boyfriend, yeah 
G    G6 
Tell him 
G G6/E               Am7    C/D 
  Exactly what we're doing, yeah 
G                         Em 
Tell him what he needs to know 
      Am                Fmaj7       Fm7 Fm6 Fm 
Or he may never let you go ... oh no 
And we're gonna have to tell him 
       Am                  Am  C     G  
You'll only be a girlfriend       of mine 

Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
             Am7                   G 
Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
             Am7                   G 
Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
            Am7                G 
Do do do do     Till the river stop a-flowin' 
            Am7                      G 
(Do do do do)  Till the wind doesn't wanna blow 
            Am7                 G 
(Do do do do)  Till the flowers stop a-growin' 
            Am7                   G                         Am7 
(Do do do do)  Till the ocean's a sea of snow (sea of snow, sea of snow …) 

G                  Am7                     G 
      Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
             Am7                     G 
Do do do do, do do do do do do do do 
             Am7  Am9   C9 
Do do do do 

G   G6/E    G 
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