Walk The Moon

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Tightrope Ukulele tab

Walk The Moon



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(Nicholas Petricca, Eli Maiman, Sean Waugaman, Kevin Ray, Robinson Christopher Gene)

Tono:  G
Capo en el 3er traste

G                 C 
Easy now, with my heart 
D                  C 
Easy now, oh with my heart 
G                   C 
Walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope 
G                      C 
You walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope 
G       D          Em    C   G           D      
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C   G           D   
I said oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 

G               C 
Careful now, ooo with my head 
D                     C 
I said careful now, what you do to my head 
G                       C 
Well make your mind up, make your little mind up 
D                       C 
To each his own, to each his or her oh-oh-own, 
G       D          Em    C         G           D   
But oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C         G           D   
I said oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, this heart is burning up 

G             C 
In my bed, I'm rolling over 
D                                       C 
I'm tangling up in chains on the swings on the set on the night that we met 
D                           Em 
And now the beads of water, move up the glass 
C                        G                     D 
You speak your mind, and you can not take it back 
D                   D 
Walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope 
C                  C 
Walk a tightrope, walk a little tightrope 

G       D          Em    C   G           D   
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C             G           D   
I said oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C             G           D 
I said oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C             G           D 
I said oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh this heart is burning up 
G       D          Em    C             G           D 
It's, it's burning up 
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh 
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