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New Shoes Ukulele tab




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New Shoes

(Fran Healy)

Tono:  Em
	  Intro: Em Am (repeat x times)  

         Em                      Am  
From the baby in the womb to the burden in the room  
         Em                      Am  
From the body in the tomb to the man in the moon  

Em Am Em Am  

         Em                        Am  
From the bottom of the hill to the top of the hill  
         Em                        Am  
From the hole in your head when you can't sit still  

Em Am Em Am  

D                   Am  
All wrapped up in a cotton bud  
D                      Am  
Watch the sun go down, watch it come back up.  

Em Am Em Am  

D                         Am  
Take another sip from the broken cup  
D                          Am  
Drippin' little tap keeps me woken up  
Em Am Em Am  

Em         Am  
 New shoes, old blues  
D                            G       G/F#  
Walking round the streets of London town singing  
Em  Am     D  
 Up on the roof  
Em          Am  
 If I lose, you lose  
D                         G     G/F#  
You and I could spend our time just lying dreaming  
Em  Am      D  
 Of Hollywood  
With these new shoes  

         Em                         Am  
From the people in the front to the people in the back  
         Em                         Am  
To the people in the back, can you hear the stack?  

Em Am Em Am  

         Em                         Am  
From the down and the out to the uptown girl  
         Em                  Am  
From the daisy chain to the string of pearls  

Em Am Em Am  

D                   Am  
All wrapped up in a cotton bud  
D                          Am  
Watch the sun go down and watch it come back up  

Em Am Em Am  

Em         Am  
 New shoes, old blues  
D                            G       G/F#  
Walking round the streets of London town singing  
Em  Am     D  
 Up on the roof  
Em          Am  
 If I lose, you lose  
D                         G     G/F#  
You and I could spend our time just lying dreaming  
Em  Am      D  
 Of Hollywood  
With these new shoes  

Solo (2x): Em Am D G G/F# Em   
Am D  
Chorus 1x  

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