Transformation Worship

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They Kingdom Come Ukulele tab

Transformation Worship



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They Kingdom Come

(Matt Marin / Michael Alexander Todd / Charles Henry Metcalf / Javier Ordenes)

Tono:  A
	  Intro A  F#m7  F#m7  D2 

A4   A 
All  of these crowns 
A4   A 
Hum--bly laid down 
F#m7      A/E 
Searching I've Found 
There's no other worthy 
You are holy 


   A4   A 
So we   raise this sound 
A4   A 
Spirit come now 
    F#m7   A   A/E 
Our hearts cry out loud 
There’s no other worthy 
You are holy 
A So rest on this praise Bm7 A/C# Give us this day what we need to sustain D E F#m7 All of the Earth shouts aloud to proclaim A/C# There's no other name D Forever reign Thy Kingdom Come
( A F#m7 A/E D2 ) ( D2 F#m E ) ( D2 F#m E ) Vamp 1 Bm7 D9 Thy Kingdom Come F#m E Thy Kingdom Come (Repeat Vamp 1 3x) Vamp 2 A Thy Kingdom Come G/A Thy Kingdom Come Vamp 3 A/C# E Thy Kingdom Come E/G# A (Thy Kingdom Come) G Thy Kingdom Come D (Thy Kingdom Come) Final D2 F#m E A/C# D2 F#m E A/C# F#m A E/G# Bm7 A E A
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