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Love Sewn Ukulele tab

The Wanted



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Love Sewn

(Jack McManus/Tom Parker/Steve Robson/Tim Woodcock)

Tono:  G
	  Standard tuning, no capo. 
Done by ear so sorry for any mistakes :) 
I think some of the chords may be slightly off but this was as close as I could get it.. 
please leave any comments if you have any suggestions for chord changes. Thanks!  

G                                   Em 
Yeah we fell we fell so hard we sold out 
Yeah we fray and fade away 
we never cut loose there's nobody but you 
nobody else (nobody else) 

G                              Em 
Yeah we feel we feel all of the same thing 
You find you find all of my secrets 
Locked up deep inside of me 
I know your always right 
(Always right) 

C            G 
So save your words, 
I'm bleeding inside, 
          G                       C 
You see the hurt, no where left to hide 
             G                   Em 
and all this time, you're slipping away from me 
bring me to my knees 

G                     D 
 Now I'm lying on the floor, 
with no one else to blame 
               C                             G 
torn apart and knowing that I'll mess it up again 
                D                         Em 
Now I don't recognize just what we used to be 
                  C                  D 
and I can see us tearing at the seams 

D               G                        D 
We cover up the scars, and never let them go 
Stitch up our broken hearts this love is sewn 
(this love is sewn) 

G                                  Em 
Yeah we try, we try to leave them behind 
All our mistakes, we stumble though a million fights 

Every time we twist the knife 
We forgive never forget, never forget 

C            G 
So save your words, 
I'm bleeding inside, 
          G                       C 
You see the hurt, no where left to hide 
             G                   Em 
and all this time, you're slipping away from me 
bring me to my knees 

G                     D 
 Now I'm lying on the floor, 
with no one else to blame 
               C                             G 
torn apart and knowing that I'll mess it up again 
                D                         Em 
Now I don't recognize just what we used to be 
                  C                  D 
and I can see us tearing at the seams 

D               G                        D 
We cover up the scars, and never let them go 
Stitch up our broken hearts this love is sewn 

(Oh whoah's echoing) - Em C G D x1 

G                                   Em 
Yeah we fell we fell so hard we sold out 
Yeah we fray and fade away 
we never cut loose there's nobody but you 
nobody else 

G                     D 
 Now I'm lying on the floor, 
with no one else to blame 
               C                             G 
torn apart and knowing that I'll mess it up again 
                D                         Em 
Now I don't recognize just what we used to be 
                  C                  D 
and I can see us tearing at the seams 

D               G                        D 
We cover up the scars, and never let them go 
Stitch up our broken hearts this love is sewn 

(This love is sewn x 8) - G D Em C x2 
E-Chords has the most powerful ukulele chords dictionary on the internet. You can enter any chord and even choose the pitch of each string.

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