The Wanted

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Hi & Low Ukulele tab

The Wanted



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Hi & Low

Tono:  B
Intro: (B G#m E F#) 2x 

Verso 1: 
B          G#m 
I'm gonna see some friends 
From outta state 
F#                         B 
I've already dreamt that's you 
       G#m               E 
Was supposed to take a while ago 
    F#          E 
But it fell through 
     C#m                     E 
Like all of you Like all of you 
     C#m                     B 
Like all of you Like all of you 
Thought I'd make the drive 
But a free plane ride 
F#         B 
Is in the air 
G#m               E            F#    E 
Just like that my fear of it dissappeared 
     C#m                     E 
Like all of you Like all of you 
     C#m                     B 
Like all of you Like all of you 

E C#m And I'm High and Low B For yesterday E C#m High and Low G#m For You and I B E C#m High and Low
Verso 1: B G#m E Once i can see straight I might move F# B Somewhere cold G#m E Seattle or the Bay area F# E To see your gold C#m E C#m B What's left of you what's left of you E C#m And I'm High and Low B For yesterday E C#m High and Low G#m For You and I B E C#m High and Low B G#m Found a letter from a man E A modern man F# B Addressed to you G#m And now I steal the words E He ended with F# B C#m I .....miss you And I do Miss you And I do (Refrão) 2x
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