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Coax Me Ukulele tab




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Coax Me


Tono:  E
	  E                          Abm 
It all seemed to happen so fast 
E                                Abm 
Will you ever believe the way he passed away? 
E                    Abm 
I saw his widow speak on her fortune 
E                          Abm 
She was feelin' pretty apathetic 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
E                    Abm 
I drink concentrated OJ 
E                          Abm 
Can I think consolidated's okay? 
E                          Abm 
It's not the band I hate, it's their fans 
E                          Abm 
Three cans of water perverts me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
G            E 
G            E           
E            G 
And after he died 
E                     G 
By rights she'd have cried 
E            Abm 
I gave mine away 
E            Abm 
I gave mine away 
E                   Abm 
I saw a widow's peak on her forehead 
E                          Abm 
It was full of lines and sinkers 
Abm  F#         E     
Coax me, cajole me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me 
Abm  F#         E 
Coax me, cajole me  
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