Sean Carson

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No Fault No Blame Ukulele tab

Sean Carson



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No Fault No Blame

Tono:  D
Capo en el 2º traste

C    Am7    F    G 

        C                 G 
We just stood in an empty room 
       F             G       C 
In the house that we used to share 
We both wondered what went wrong 
          F          G         C 
Cause the answer was still not clear 
F                   G 
Maybe I should have listened 
         F                 Em7 
When she told me about her day 
F                         G 
Maybe she could have made more time 
    F            G 
For me along the way 
   Dm7           C    F                  G 
Or would it have even mattered, who's to say 

C Am7 Cause sometimes, we just change F G And we find our dreams are not the same C Am7 It's not her, it's not me F G Though it hurts so bad we've got to believe Dm7 C F Some things can't be explained Dm7 C F We'll just go our separate ways G C No fault no blame
Solo C Am7 F G G# Am F There's no use looking back C G (G) On what we could have been Am Em7 Cause letting go's the only F G Way to start again
C Am7 Cause sometimes, we just change F G (G) And we find our dreams are not the same
*** Key change to C#, just sharp the chords below *** C Am7 It's not her, it's not me F G Though it hurts so bad we've got to believe Dm7 C F Some things can't be explained Dm7 C F We'll just go our separate ways G C No fault no blame Outro Dm7 C F We’ll both turn and walk away G No fault no blame C Am7 F G C Am7 F G It’s not her C Am7 F G C Am7 F It’s not me
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