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Courage Ukulele tab




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Tono:  G

        G                  D 
Wet paper on my doorstep, rainin' all night 
      Am            Em 
It's okay, I don't wanna read it anyway 
 G                  D                Am      Em 
Turn the TV just to hear the voices talkin', maybe 

 G           D 
Sofa's so uncomfortable 
        Am               Em           G 
When I jam the door and leave it open 
    D              Am 
But I've been thinkin' 

Em G D Am If I try again, I know I'd run Em G D Am Droppin' the words through the back of my tongue Em G D Am Poisonous is what I've become Em G D Am Em I'd try again, but I don't have the courage (Courage)
G D Am Facin' the sun from the rooftop playin' a sad song Em Feelin' bad for myself G D Am Em All of my friends back home say I should be happy, maybe G D Sofa's so uncomfortable Am Em G When I jam the door and leave it open D Am But I been thinkin'
Em G D Am If I try again, I know I'd run Em G D Am Droppin' the words through the back of my tongue Em G D Am Poisonous is what I've become Em G D Am Em I'd try again, but I don't have the courage, oh (Courage)
( G D Am Em ) G D B7 Em It hurts so good, bad nights feel the same as they did then D C I wish someone had told me how it ends G D B7 Em I'm not so good at tryin' my words, in my defense D C Cm I wish someone had told me, told me
If I try again, I know I'd run Droppin' the words through the back of my tongue Em G D Am Poisonous is what I've become Em G D Am Em I'd try again, but I don't have the courage (Courage, yeah; courage) G D Am Em Oh, I'm poisonous Courage If I try again If I try again Oh, no (Courage) Yeah Courage
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