PJ Harvey

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Kamikaze Ukulele tab

PJ Harvey



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Tono:  F
verse 1 
F                       A# 
 How could that happen? 
F                        A# 
 How could that happen again? 
F                      A# 
 Where the fuck was I looking 
F                        A# 
 When all his horses came in? 
 And he built a whole army 
Of kamikaze 

F A# 
F A# 

verse 2 
F          A# 
 10,000 willing 
F       A# 
 Pilots flying 
F     A# 
F          A# 
 Space and beyond 
  Built an army 
To come and find me 

F G# 
F G# 

F            G# 
 Beyond all reason 
F            G# 
 Beyond all my hopes 
F            G# 
 The call of duty 
F          G# 
 Another war zone 
   Make me moan moan 

F G# 
F G# 

F G# Kamikaze F G# Kamikaze F G# You can't touch me F G# Kamikaze
D# F G# F G# verse 3 F A# Eight miles high F A# He walks his path F A# And I follow mine F A# One tooth for one eye D# He's come to find me F G# F G# verse 4 F G# 10,000 willing F G# Pilots flying F G# Interfacing F G# Space and beyond D# Here is his army D# Space and here we come F G# F G#
F G# Kamikaze F G# Kamikaze F G# You don't touch me F G# Kamikaze F G# Kamikaze F G# You don't touch me F G# Kamikaze F G# You don't touch me
D# F G# F G# F G# F Space here we come
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