Murder By Death

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Ash Ukulele tab

Murder By Death



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Tono:  C
	  Incredible song. C tuning 


Hit the 1st and 2nd strings for 8x each in rapid succession,  

Then play  

C Em x4 

C             Em 
 We set out at dusk  
C               Em 
 We left them, well, not much 
C                           Em 
 The boys were shoutin' and kickin' up dust 
C Em 

C               Em 
 Oh, and as we ran  
          C                      Em 
 With the fire behind us and the torch in my hand  
C                  Em          
 I knew I couldn't do it again 
C           D    Dsus4 D Dsus2 

C                               Bmadd11   Em 
 The ghosts were howlin' in the late afternoon 
        C                    Bmadd11  Em 
We were singin' along to the same old tune 
  C                        D               Em 
I turned to my brothers to look 'em in the eyes 
          C    Bmadd11              C 
There was ash, ash fallin' from the sky 

     Em      C       Em 

C               Em                    
 The moon cast a little light  
        C                      Em 
But the flames lit up the night 
        C            Em                       C      Bmadd11 
All the animals laid down and died, there was ash 
C               Em           
 Oh, and as we ran  
         C                      Em 
With the fire behind us and the torch in my hand 
C                  Em 
 I knew I couldn't do it again 

C          D     Dsus4 D Dsus2 

C                               Bmadd11   Em 
 The ghosts were howlin' in the late afternoon 
        C                    Bmadd11  Em 
We were singin' along to the same old tune 
  C                        D               Em 
I turned to my brothers to look 'em in the eyes 
          C    Bmadd11              C 
There was ash, ash fallin' from the sky 

 A C A C A  

C                       Em            G6 
 And who could tell the dogs from the men? 
C                         Em                 G6 
 I seen their faces and I know where they've been 
C                          Em         G6 
 I know I'm with 'em but I ain't like them 
 C   B5 Bmadd11 

C                       Em            G6 
 And who could tell the dogs from the men? 
C                         Em                 G6 
 I seen their faces and I know where they've been 
C                          Em         G6 
 I know I'm with 'em but I ain't like them 
 C   B5 Bmadd11 

            C  A 
It makes me so tired 
           C                 A 
I was like smoke without the fire 
      C            C    C     A 
And I know I ain't like them, no 
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