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Alphaville - Forever Young - Bob Dylan - Forever Young - Wolfgang Ambros - Für Immer Jung Ukulele tab

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Alphaville - Forever Young - Bob Dylan - Forever Young - Wolfgang Ambros - Für Immer Jung

Tono:  C
C                G                        Am 
  Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while 
           F                            G 
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies 
               Dm                      F 
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst 
                   N.C.             F  G  C 
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? 

C           G                      Am 
Let us die young or let us live forever 
                  F                       G 
We don't have the power, but we never say never 
               Dm                      F 
Sitting in the sandpit, life is a short trip 
 N.C.                        F  G  C 
The music's for the sad man 

C G Forever Young Am F I want to be Forever Young G Am Do you really want to live forever? F G Forever, and ever C G Forever Young, Am F I want to be Forever Young G Am Do you really want to live forever? F G C F G Forever Young.
C G Am Some are like water, some are like the heat F G Some are the melody and some are the beat Dm F Sooner or later they all will be gone N.C. F G C Why don't they stay young? C G Am It's so hard to get old without a cause F G I don't want to perish like a fading horse Dm F Youth's like diamonds in the sun N.C. F G C And diamonds are forever
C G Forever Young Am F I want to be Forever Young G Am Do you really want to live forever? F G Forever, and ever C G Forever Young, Am F I want to be Forever Young G Am Do you really want to live forever? F G C Forever Young.
Dylan C May God bless and keep you always Em/B May your wishes all come true Dm7/A May you always do for others F C And let others do for you C May you build a ladder to the stars Em/B And climb on every rung Dm7/A G C And may you stay ... forever young
G Am Forever young, forever young, C G7 C May you stay ... forever young
C May you grow up to be righteous Em/B May you grow up to be true Dm7/A May you always know the truth F C And see the lights surrounding you C Em Waun'st Vertraun host in di selber daun brauchst ka Versicherung F G C weu wann du wüst, bleibst immer jung
C G Am Für immer jung, für immer jung C G waun du wüst, waun du wirklich wirklich wüst C bleibst immer jung
C Em Du sollst nie aufhören zu lernen, arbeit mit der Phantasie F Dm C waun'st dei Glück gerecht behandelst, daun valosst's di nie Em und du sollst vor Liebe brennen und vor Begeisterung F G C weu daun bleibst, weu daun bleibst für immer jung
C G Am Für immer jung, für immer jung C G waun dann bleibst, waun du wirklich wirklich wüst C bleibst immer jung C G Am Für immer jung, für immer jung C G waun dann bleibst, C bleibst immer jung
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