Misc Christmas

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As We Await Ukulele tab

Misc Christmas



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As We Await

Tono:  A
A/G  A/E  D  E  
E7  A  E7 

      Am            Dm         E              E7          Am 
These gifts that we of-fer now comes from the work of our hands. 
                     E                E7                       Am       E7 
With these we of-fer You, O Lord, our hopes and dreams of your co-ming. 

A               E                  E7                        A 
As we a-wait we of-fer these gifts, as we a-wait we hope and pray. 
A/G    A/E      D        E       E7              A            E7 
Come o Lord and save us, make us wor-thy of this sac-ri-fice. 

      Am                    Dm     E        E7             Am 
These gifts o Lord are our_ way of sho-wing you our gra-ti-tude. 
                            E        E7                           Am    E7 
All of these come from Your grace re-min-ding us of Your love and care. 

A               E                  E7                        A 
As we a-wait we of-fer these gifts, as we a-wait we hope and pray. 
A/G    A/E      D        E       E7              A            A 
Come o Lord and save us, make us wor-thy of this sac-ri-fice. 
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