Mindy McCready

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Scream Ukulele tab

Mindy McCready

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Tono:  F#
Capo en el 1er traste
	   / Key of F# 
Intro:  F  C  Dm  Bb      F  C  Dm  Bb 
                   Oh, whoa 
F            C             Dm             Bb     F 
So tired of walkin' 'round draggin' this ghost 
                  C                 Dm          Bb     F 
Can't escape the constant ache that wears on my woes 
                    C                Dm            Bb    Gm 
It's too strong to rub it out, it's stuck like a stain 
               Dm   Bb               C     F 
A permanent reminder driving me insane 
               C              Dm         Bb     F 
I still see finality in that look on my face 
                 C               Dm       Bb     F 
Still hide this bitterness I can almost taste 
                   C                  Dm      Bb    Gm 
All the things I should've said still echo inside 
                 Dm    Bb                     C 
Can't listen any longer, it won't change good-bye 

F C Dm Bb I scream your name F C Dm Bb To the rain fallin' down on me F C Dm And I break the silence inside me Bb F C Dm Since you left me with nothing to say Bb F C Dm Bb <-(only on 1st chorus) So I scream your name
F C Dm Bb F Anger so buried deep eats you up inside C Dm Bb F Spreads like a parasite, there's no where to hide C Dm Bb Gm I wanna let it go 'fore it smothers my soul Dm Bb C Uncover my heart again, fillin' the hole --Repeat Chorus Bb F C Dm Bb To the rain --Bridge Dm C F Bb Gm I fall down to my knees, my face hits the ground Dm Bb C I throw my tears into the storm as the thunder sounds --Repeat Chorus Bb F C Dm I scream your name (name) Bb F C Dm To the rain Bb F C Dm Bb I scream your name
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