Matt Nathanson

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Mission Bells Ukulele tab

Matt Nathanson



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Mission Bells

Tono:  Em
Capo en el 4º traste

Intro: (Em  G6, Cmaj7) (2x) 

Em      G6        Cmaj7 
I had a dream you died, 
                   Em      G6    Cmaj7 
and I just want to be with you tonight 
Mission bells were ringing 
  G6       Cmaj7 
somewhere higher, 
          Em      G6 Cmaj7 
I let you get away 
          Em      G6 Cmaj7 
I let you get away 

             Em          G6 
What kind of man misunderstands 
a woman like you, 
Em          G6        Cmaj7 
sees her in black and white? 
     Em       G6                          Cmaj7 
It's 5 AM and phone book says that you're not alone 
       Em        G6        Cmaj7 
in the cold gray morning light 

    Em   G6         Cmaj7 
The only one that's left to trust, 
   Em        G6         Cmaj7 
my faithless heart that wasted us. 

G       Cadd9     Em7 
I had a dream you died, 
                   G       Cadd9  Em7 
and I just want to be with you tonight 
Mission bells were ringing 
  Cadd9     Em7    
somewhere higher, 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 

Em                       G6 
What kind of fool thinks love's a prison  
or a handicap, 
Em   G6       Cmaj7 
only says goodbye? 
Em                  G6               Cmaj7 
Sinking fast in the rocky waters off Alcatraz, 
    Em          G6 Cmaj7 
his friends say suicide 

    Em   G6         Cmaj7 
The only one that's left to trust, 
   Em        G6         Cmaj7 
my faithless heart that wasted us. 

G       Cadd9     Em7 
I had a dream you died, 
                   G       Cadd9  Em7 
and I just want to be with you tonight 
Mission bells were ringing 
  Cadd9     Em7    
somewhere higher, 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 

        Em                 G6 
I'm the end of a Hitchcock movie 
a little dark and a lot confusing 
        Em                G6 
I'm the last of the worst pretenders 
so lost, so lost in love 
        Em                 G6 
I'm the end of a Hitchcock movie 
a little dark and a lot confusing 
        Em                G6 
I'm the last of the worst pretenders 
so lost, so lost in love 

G       Cadd9     Em7 
I had a dream you died, 
                   G       Cadd9  Em7 
and I just want to be with you tonight 
Mission bells were ringing 
  Cadd9     Em7    
somewhere higher, 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 
          G       Cadd9 Em7 
I let you get away 

Outro: G Cadd9 Em7 
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