Mark Foggo

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New Shoes Ukulele tab

Mark Foggo



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New Shoes

Tono:  F
Intro without band 4x 
Ab  Bb 

Interlude riff with band 4x 
Ab  Bb 
Aah aah ahahaha 

verse 1 
F                       Ab     Bb 
I feel the rain getting to my feet 
F                 Ab         Bb 
I like my clothes nice and neat 
F        Ab        Bb 
Hat down over my eyes 
F                      Ab           Bb 
I feel the temperature starting to rise 

Interlude riff with band 4x 
Ab  Bb 
Aah aah ahahaha 

verse 2 
F                  Ab       Bb 
I cut my hair in a special way 
F                      Ab           Bb 
I never worry what the dudes might say 
F                           Ab           Bb 
I've gotta be seen when I'm out in the street  
F                           Ab         Bb 
I'll let them see what I've got on my feet 

Gm Bb I got my new shoes C Eb I got my new shoes Ab B Bb I got my new shoes, I got 'em today
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Riff 4x Ebm e|----8--6-------8--6-------8--6-------------| B|----9--7-------9--7-------9--7-------------| G|-------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------| A|-66---------66---------66---------------55-| E|----------99---------99---------99668899---|
Interlude riff with band 4x F Ab Bb Aah aah ahahaha verse 3 F Ab Bb I keep myself in the latest mode F Ab Bb I feel at home yeah, feeling thrilled F Ab Bb Can you image every girl I meet F Ab Bb Asking me what I've got on my feet
Gm Bb C I got my new shoes, I got 'em today
Interlude riff with band 2x F Ab Bb Aah aah ahahaha verse 4 F Ab Bb I feel the rain getting to my feet F Ab Bb I like my clothes nice and neat F Ab Bb Hat down over my eyes F Ab Bb I feel the temperature starting to rise
Gm Bb I got my new shoes C Eb I got my new shoes Ab B Bb I got my new shoes, I got 'em today
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Riff 4x Ebm e|----8--6-------8--6-------8--6-------------| B|----9--7-------9--7-------9--7-------------| G|-------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------| A|-66---------66---------66---------------55-| E|----------99---------99---------99668899---|
End on F
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