Machine Gun Kelly

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Lonely Ukulele tab

Machine Gun Kelly



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Tono:  Db
I got in trouble 

The first time my dad saw me 
Dance with the devil 

How are we so opposite? 

I lived with your sister 

My first home since Mom had left 
And I wrote my first song 

With him in the basement 

C                   G 
And then he said goodbye way too soon 
Em                    D 
And this don't feel right without you 

C                G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
I'd trade it, trade it 
I would trade it all for you 
C                G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
Em                      D 
I'm lonely, lonely, lonely without you 

I got in trouble 

The first time the cops saw me 
Dance with the devil 

I ended up in handcuffs and then 

You called your sister 

She cried when she picked me up 
Goddamn, how I miss her 

'Cause she didn't give a fuck 

C                    G 
And then she said goodbye way too soon 
Em                    D 
And this don't feel right without you 

C                G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
I'd trade it, trade it 
I would trade it all for you 
C                 G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
Em                 D 
I'm lonely, lonely, lonely without you 

C                  G 
The last time I saw you (fuck) 
Em               D 
I cried, I wish you had more time left 
C                G 
The last time I heard you 
Em                    D 
They held the phone, you took your last breath 

C                G 
The last time I saw you (saw you) 
Em               D 
I cried, I wish you had more time left 
C                G 
The last time I heard you (heard you) 
Em                    D 
They held the phone, you took your last breath 

C                G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
I'd trade it, trade it 
I would trade it all for you 
C               G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
Em                      D 
I'd trade it, trade it, I'd trade it all for you 
C                G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
Em                       D 
I'd trade it, trade it, I'd trade it all for you 
C                 G 
Lonely, lonely, even when the room is full 
I hate this, I'm jaded 
And I'd trade it all for you 
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