Kirk Franklin

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Now Behold The Lamb Ukulele tab

Kirk Franklin



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Now Behold The Lamb

Tono:  F

F2/A Bb6/9 C2 Now be-hold the Lamb F2/A Bb6/9 C/Bb The Precious Lamb of God F2/A Bb6/9 C A7/C# Dm7 Born into sin that I may live a - gain Gm7 C7 F The Precious Lamb of God
F2/A Bb6/9 C2 Now be-hold the Lamb F2/A Bb6/9 C/Bb The Precious Lamb of God F2/A Bb6/9 C A7/C# Dm7 Born into sin that I may live a - gain Gm7 C7 F The Precious Lamb of God
F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C Holy is the Lamb F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C The Precious Lamb of God F2/A Bb6/9 C A7/C# Dm7 Why You love me so Lord I shall ne- ver know Gm7 C7 F The Precious Lamb of God
F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C Holy is the Lamb F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C The Precious Lamb of God F2/A Bb6/9 C A7/C# Dm7 Why You love me so Lord I shall ne- ver know Gm7 C7 F The Precious Lamb of God
F2/A Bb6 C Now be-hold the Lamb F/A Csus/Bb C The Precious Lamb of God F/A Csus/Bb C A7/C# Dm7 Born into sin that I may live a - gain Gm7 C7 F2 The Precious Lamb of God F/A Csus/Bb Csus C I always didn't do right F/A Bb2 Csus I went left He told me to go right F2/A Bb2 C A7/C# Dm7 But I'm standing right here In the midst of my tears Gm7 Csus C F2 Lord I claim You to be the Lamb of God
(5) F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C Thank You for the Lamb F2/A Bb6/9 Csus C The Precious Lamb of God F2/A Bb6/9 C A7/C# Dm7 Be-cause of Your grace I can finish this race Gm7 C7 F The Precious Lamb of God
F2/A Bb6 C Even when I broke Your heart F/A Csus/Bb C My sins tore us a-part F/A Csus/Bb C A7/C# Dm7 But I'm standing right here In the midst of my tears Gm7 C7 F2 I claim You to be the Lamb of God F/A Bb6 Csus C New life can begin F/A Bb2 Csus For You wash a-way my sins F2/A Bb2 C A7/C# Dm7 Whom the Son sets free is free in - deed Gm7 Csus C F2 D I claim You to be the Lamb of God
(6) G2 C6/9 Dsus D Now be-hold the Lamb G2/B C6/9 Dsus D The Precious Lamb of God G2/B C6/9 D B7/D# Em7 Born into sin that I may live a - gain Am7 D7 G The Precious Lamb of God
Interlude C A7 D D7/F# G Oh oh oh C A7 D D7/F# G Oh oh oh G2/B C6/9 Why You love me so D B7/D# Em7 G2/B C6/9 D B7/D# Em7 Lord I shall ne - ver know G2/B C6/9 Why You love me so D B7/D# Em7 G2/B C6/9 D B7/D# Em7 Lord I shall ne - ver know Am7 D7 G The Precious Lamb of God Interlude C A7 D D7/F# G Oh oh oh C A7 D D7/F# G Oh oh oh C A7 D D7/F# G Oh oh oh G2/B C6/9 D B7/D# Em7 Why You love me so Lord I shall ne - ver know Am7 D7 G The Precious Lamb of God Instrumental |G/B C D | |G/B C D| |G/B C D Em| |Am Gsus/D G| |G/B C D | |G/B C D|
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