Jason Upton

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Jesus Ukulele tab

Jason Upton

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Tono:  G
	               G   Am  G/B C2 
When ears open up wide 
             F      G   Am      G/B   Am  Gsus F 
When blinders fall from eyes to the floor 
            G   Am G/B C2 F    G     Am      G/B         Am     Gsus F 
When everyone will be down on bended knee before the Lord 
Dm C/E        F 
All will know then 
Dm   C/E              Gsus 
But we pray right now 
D   Em 
Am          G/B    Dm 
A mighty revelation 
D   Em 
C            D       Em 
Coming to the nations 
D    Em 
Am     G/B    Dm 
Like never before 
D   Em 
C            D          Em 
The salvation of the 
Em  D/E    D/E  Em                                            D/F#  G 
Holy,         holy........           holy, holy, holy, holy Lord 
            G     Am      G/B  C2 
When stars fall from the sky 
            F     G  Am     G/B  Am   Gsus F 
When figs fall from the cry of the wind 
            G     Am    G/B  C2 
When leaders hide in caves 
F     G     Am  G/B  Am     Gsus F 
Fearful of the great wrath of Him 
Dm C/E        F 
All will know then 
Dm   C/E              Gsus 
But we pray right now 
D   Em 
Am          G/B    Dm 
A mighty revelation 
D   Em 
C            D       Em 
Coming to the nations 
D    Em 
Am     G/B    Dm 
Like never before 
D   Em 
C            D          Em 
The salvation of the 
Em  D/E    D/E  Em                                            D/F#  G 
Holy,         holy........           holy, holy, holy, holy Lord 

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