Jaime Cortez

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Today Our Savior Is Born Ukulele tab

Jaime Cortez



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Today Our Savior Is Born

Tono:  D
	  *Cantor: Refrain may be done a cappella. 

  D                 Asus4  A 
Today our Savior is born! 
  G       A7        D  D7/F# 
Today our Savior is born! 
G           D/F#  Em          D 
This is the day,  this is the day, 
Em7         A7        D  G/D  D 
Christ, our Savior is born! 

  D                 Asus4  A 
Today our Savior is born! 
  G       A7        D  D7/F# 
Today our Savior is born! 
G           D/F#  Em          D 
This is the day,  this is the day, 
Em7         A7        D  G/D  D 
Christ, our Savior is born! 

Em7         A7    D      Bm 
Sing to our God a joyful song! 
Em       A7          D 
Everyone bless God's name. 
F#      F#/A  Bm        G 
Tell of God's wondrous deeds; 
Em      E7/G#    A  A/G  D/F#  A7/E 
sing to  all the world. 

  D                 Asus4  A 
Today our Savior is born! 
  G       A7        D  D7/F# 
Today our Savior is born! 
G           D/F#  Em          D 
This is the day,  this is the day, 
Em7         A7        D  G/D  D 
Christ, our Savior is born! 

Em7       A7       D       Bm 
Heaven be glad and earth rejoice, 
Em        A7     D 
let every ocean roar! 
F#    F#/A    Bm    G 
Every forest, every tree 
Em        E7/G#   A  A/G  D/F#  A7/E 
joins the song of joy! 

  D                 Asus4  A 
Today our Savior is born! 
  G       A7        D  D7/F# 
Today our Savior is born! 
G           D/F#  Em          D 
This is the day,  this is the day, 
Em7         A7        D  G/D  D 
Christ, our Savior is born! 

Em7          A7      D       Bm 
Cry out with joy for God has come, 
Em      A7        D 
come to rule the earth. 
F#       F#/A     Bm         G 
God will rule the world with love, 
Em       E7/G#    A  A/G  D/F#  A7/E 
righteousness and truth. 

  D                 Asus4  A 
Today our Savior is born! 
  G       A7        D  D7/F# 
Today our Savior is born! 
G           D/F#  Em          D 
This is the day,  this is the day, 
Em7         A7        D  G/D  D 
Christ, our Savior is born! 
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