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Let Me Inside Ukulele tab




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Let Me Inside


Tono:  Em
	  The chord and lyric placement don't match up perfectly, but its a fairly close approximation.  
Also the verse may just be  Em D C C with B only replacing last C occasionally. sounds decent ether way go 
with what sounds good to you and enjoy. 

2x Em   D    C   B     

It's cold outside and I want in 
Em              D               C        B 
The rain pours down and I wear thin 
Em               D                   C          B 
There's something more that I can't see  And can you tell me what it might be? 
Em                D                    C                   B 
Til then I'll be hanging on tightly 
Em           D             C             B 

                       And I don't know much 
  C                       C                D                   
But I can feel it ever time that we touch 
D                                     C  
It's what you do to me 
C                      B 

It's the fire in your eyes 
G             D          C      C 
It's the way your real thoughts hide 
G          D         C          C 
It's the way you make me try  Ooh and when you tell me lies 
G                   G           C                 C  
Let me inside, Let me inside, Let me inside 
Em                D               C             B 
Let me inside, Let me inside, Let me inside 
Em                D               C             B 

You're all shut in and you can't hide 
Em                D               C        B 
  I knock knock knock    I knock all night to no reply 
Em                D                  C                      B 
There's a light on that I can see, And can you tell me what it might be? 
Em                     D                      C                        B 
I'm here as long as it shines brightly 
Em              D             C               B 

                     And I don't know much 
  C                  C                  D                   
But I can feel it ever time that we touch 
D                                       C        
It's what you do to me 
C                    B 

It's the fire in your eyes 
G        D               C      C 
It's the way your real thoughts hide 
G               D               C       C 
It's the way you make me try Ooh and when you tell me lies 
G                       G             C                  C  
Let me inside, Let me inside, Let me inside 
Em                D               C                 B 
Let me inside, Let me inside, Let me inside 
Em                D               C                 B 
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