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Santa Had A Rough Year Ukulele tab

High Valley



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Santa Had A Rough Year

Tono:  G


The kids are sending letters 
To the top of the world 
And tearing paper rings 
To count the days 
Watching Frosty on the TV 
With that little boy and girl 
I'll try to fake some cheer 
While this heart breaks 
                  G                             D 
'Cause he wants a new game, a 10-speed, and his very first guitar 
            Em7                         C 
She wants a frozen plastic castle and a swing set in the yard 

G But Santa had a rough year D So there won't be much here Em7 C Yeah, that's the kinda news that's hard to break G Under that Charlie Brown tree D It's mostly dust and dead pine leaves Em7 They can't sleep, they're so excited C While I'm lying here wide awake G 'Cause Santa had a rough year
G D He picked up every shift, swallowed his pride, called his old man Em7 C When it's quiet on the rooftop, yeah, those kids won't understand G 'Cause they're on the nice list, yeah, he said so D When they met him at the mall Em7 C When they don't get what they want, how do you say it ain't their fault?
G Santa had a rough year D So there won't be much here Em7 C Yeah, that's the kinda news that's hard to break G Under that Charlie Brown tree D It's mostly dust and dead pine leaves Em7 They can't sleep, they're so excited C While I'm lying here awake G 'Cause Santa had a rough year
Dobro Solo G D Em7 C Santa had a rough year D Yeah, you can't wrap up the truth Em7 Or tie those hard times with a bow C I hope they'll still believe in him C Even though G Santa had a rough year Out-Chorus G Santa had a rough year D So there won't be much here Em7 C Yeah, that's the kinda news that's hard to break G Under that Charlie Brown tree D It's mostly dust and dead pine leaves Em7 They can't sleep, they're so excited C While I'm lying here awake G D 'Cause Santa had a rough year Em7 C Santa had a rough year G D Em7 C Santa had a rough year
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