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Leftovers Ukulele tab




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Tono:  Bb
  I feel like the leftovers 
in your fridge That you 
   Gm   Eb  Bb 
forgot about  Like the time 
we went out to eat and 
             F    Eb 
you Totally snuck out 
  I thought you and I 

had something special 
      Gm      F   Eb   F 
But I guess I was wrong 

Bb Oh hey you left a note in my room Eb So lately I've been thinking about Gm you And how you had to drift away Eb Why'd you ever think that that's Bb okay? I'm not sure how your brain works I just know that you can Eb do it and it won't hurt Instead Gm you left me to freeze in the dark F all alone Like that hoagie from Wawa Bb Eb that you should probably throw out
Bb I guess I should've known you weren't that into me Gm Eb I wish it wasn't true Bb It's almost like you just took what you wanted F Eb I hope it satisfied you Bb I thought we had something Gm F Eb F special But I guess I was wrong
Bb Oh hey you left a note in my room Eb So lately I've been thinking about Gm you And how you had to drift away Eb Why'd you ever think that that's Bb okay? I'm not sure how your brain works I just know that you can Eb do it and it won't hurt Instead Gm you left me to freeze in the dark F all alone Like that hoagie from Wawa Bb F that you should probably throw out
Instrumental Bb Eb Gm Eb Bb Eb Gm F
Bb Oh hey you left a note in my room Eb So lately I've been thinking about Gm you And how you had to drift away Eb Why'd you ever think that that's Bb okay? I'm not sure how your brain works I just know that you can Eb do it and it won't hurt Instead Gm you left me to freeze in the dark F all alone Like that hoagie from Wawa that you should probably throw out Bb Oh hey you left a note in my room Eb So lately I've been thinking about Gm you And how you had to drift away Eb Why'd you ever think that that's Bb okay? I'm not sure how your brain works I just know that you can Eb do it and it won't hurt Instead Gm you left me to freeze in the dark F all alone Like that hoagie from Wawa Bb that you should probably throw out
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