Glen Campbell

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Sunshower Ukulele tab

Glen Campbell



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(Jimmy Webb)

Tono:  D
Glen Campbell 

verse 1 
D        C     (B note) Am          F        C                     
When the summer         lies like a lazy dog,      
        F       G              C              F 
and the dust is blowing like a fine feathered fog  
        D    G              C     F 
and the hawk   is sleeping like a log 
Then the welcome wind  
like a long lost friend brings  
    D             G 
the clouds along  

verse 2           
        C   (B) Am          F          C 
and the thunder sits in the rumble seat  
        F          G                F 
and the mist comes drifting on your hot swollen feet  
        D    G           F 
and the heat    haze and thunder meet  
and the rain comes down  
in her silver gown  
and simply stands around  

F Am F Am D when the light and the water shares the same sky G B E in the same hour hallelujah it’s a sun shower G B G G7 hallelujah it’s a sun shower
verse 3 C (B) Am F C Such is love my friend in the early days F G F when your hopes are rising through a hole in the haze D7 G F in a daze but there’s a second phase and D G the second thought once you find you’re caught D in a moving maze verse 4 G Am F C and the saddness comes without your consent D G F and you find yourself explaining all the things that you meant D G F you’ll repent and try to pay the rent D G but the tears will fall walking down the hall D on eviction day
F G D when regret and relief share the same sigh C D G A B D in the same hour hallelujah loves a sunshower G A B hallelujah it’s a sunshower G A B (walk up an down in B) hallelujah it’s a sunshower wohaaaa
flyinglibra51 God Bless Glen Travis Campbell
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