Giant Rooks

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Mia & Keira (days To Come) Ukulele tab

Giant Rooks



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Mia & Keira (days To Come)

Tono:  Dm
	  Intro Dm  C  Bb  C  
        Dm  F  Bb  Am 

Bb                C          Dm 
  Just like the cliffs at seaside 
       F             Am  Bb                   Am  Bb 
I lay head against the search of todays work 
            C             Dm 
The warm colours you've spread 
            F        Am  Bb                     Am  Bb 
Through my house and my rooms were deceased too 
        C            Dm 
You'd ask me not to drown deep 
      F           Am  Bb                   Am  Bb 
I'm feeling just too close to you and fear 
 Am  Bb             C                  Dm 
        And we're thinking of life's stories 
     F           Am  Bb               Am  Bb 
The fever keeps around and me and you 

( Dm  Bb ) 

   Dm       C       Bb 
Surrounding me and you 
Bb F C Bb This is for days to come with no one else to blame Dm Am Sorry for this mess to rearrange Bb F C Bb This is for days to come you hold it in your hands Dm Am Dm Bb Dm Bb Desolation leads me again and again
Bb C Dm I'm gonna need some rest now F Am Bb Am Bb To put some sense into this mess all around me Am Bb C Dm The warm colours you've spread F Am Bb Am Bb Through my house and my rooms were deceased too Gm F You'd ask me not to drown deep C Gm F I'm feeling just too close to you and fear
Bb F C Bb This is for days to come with no one else to blame Dm Am Sorry for this mess to rearrange Bb F C Bb This is for days to come you hold it in your hands Dm Am Gm Desolation leads me again and again F C And again and again Gm F C Gm F C For days to come Gm F For days to come
( Dm F Gm Am ) ( Bb Am Bb )
Dm F Gm Am Bb Am Bb A believer in hollowness and fever C Dm I can see her, I can feel her F Am Bb Am Bb Always find a place to hide C Dm I could heal her, old days in fever F Am Bb Am Bb Always find a place to hide
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