Frank Sinatra

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They Can't Take That Away From Me Ukulele tab

Frank Sinatra



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They Can't Take That Away From Me

Tono:  D
Introdução: Em7 D G D F#m G A D Bm7 G G/B D9 B7/9  

    Em7     A7/9      D6  F#m   D6                
The way you wear your hat, 
     D     Fdim      A7   A7sus4  A7 
The way you sip your tea  
    Em7    A7/9    D7M    Am7    D7 
The mem'ry  of all that 
  Cdim       G          Em    Bm5-/7       A7 
No, no, they can´t take that away from me  
    Em7       A7/9       D6    F#m   D6                 
The way your smile just beams,          
     D     Fdim      A7   A7sus4  A7 
The way you sing off key  
    Em7    A7/9       D7M   Am7    D7 
The way you haunt my dreams 
       Cdim       G                      Em  A7  D 
No, no, they can´t take that away from me. 
D7M    F#m    B7   F#m    B7         F#m    B7      C#7 
We may never, never meet again on the bumpy road to love  
            F#m     B7     F#m      B7     E7    A7 
Still, I´ll always, always keep the memory of  
    Em7      A7/9        D6    F#m  D6                 
The way you hold your knife,          
     D     Fdim         A7   A7sus4  A7 
The way we danced till three  
   Em7       A7/9       D7M     Am7    D7 
The way you changed my life        
    Cdim         G            Em    A7       Bm7 
No, no, they can´t take that away from me, 
First Time: 
Em7       D    G     D  F#m   G    A  D   D7M   Em7 
No, they can´t take that away from me 
Last Time: 
Em7       D     G   D   F#m  G    A7   D    D7M    Bm7 
No, they can´t take that away from me 
      D         F#m       A         D         F#m       A 
They can´t take that away, they can´t take that away 
Em7       D     G    D  F#m   G    A  D    Bm7    G     G/B     D9 
No, they can´t take that away from me 
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