Frank Sinatra

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A Fine Romance Ukulele tab

Frank Sinatra



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A Fine Romance

(Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern)

Tono:  D

A7 D   Cdim       A7 Fdim 
A fine romance with no kisses 
 F#m7   Bm7    G  G/F#  A7/13 A7 
A fine romance, my friend, this is 
 D      D7M     D7      G  G/F#   Cdim  A7 
We should be like a couple of hot tomatoes 
   D6            B7      G#m7      F#7  B7 
But you're as cold as yesterday's mashed potahtoes 
A7 D   Cdim       A7    Fdim 
A fine romance, you won't nestle 
  F#m7 Bm7         G   G/F# A7/13  A7 
A fine romance, you won't    wrestle 
    D       A7    D7        D9  Am7    B7 
You're just as hard to land as the Ile de France 
Em7      Fdim    F#m7   B7  Em7       A7/9-  D  
I haven't got a chance this is a fine romance 
A7 D   Cdim       A7 Fdim 
A fine romance, my good woman 
 F#m7     Bm7       G  G/F# A7/13  A7 
My strong, aged in the wood    woman 
    D6          B7       G#m7     F#7  B7 
You're calmer than the seals in the Arctic Ocean 
  D6             B7      G#m7    Gdim   F#7   B7 
At least they flap their fins to express  emotion 
A7 D   Cdim       A7  Fdim 
A fine romance, with no clinches 
  F#m7 Bm7        G G/F#  A7/13  A7 
A fine romance with no   hitches 
  D    A7     D7       D9  Am7   B7 
You never give the orchids I send a glance 
Em7     Fdim      F#m7   B7  Em7       A7/9-    D  
No, you like cactus plants this is a fine romance 
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