Flying Pickets

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Only You Ukulele tab

Flying Pickets



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Only You

(Vince Clarke)

Tono:  C
	  Couplet::                 | C  Em  |  Am  G  |  F              |  C   G  |    2x 
Refrein:                   |     F        |      G       |    C  Em   |   Am    |   F   |   G   | 
Looking from a window above 
It's like a story of love 
Can you hear me 
Came back only yesterday 
We're moving farther away 
Want you near me 
All I needed was the love you gave 
All I needed for another day 
And all I ever knew 
Only you 
Sometimes when I think of your name 
When it's only a game 
And I need you 
Listen to the words that you say 
It's getting harder to stay 
When I see you 
All I needed was the love you gave 
All I needed for another day 
And all I ever knew 
Only you 
All I needed was the love you gave 
All I needed for another day 
And all I ever knew 
Only you 
All I needed was the love you gave 
All I needed for another day 
And all I ever knew 
Only you 
This is gonna take a long time 
And I wonder what's mine 
Can't take no more 
Wonder if you'll understand 
It's just the touch of your hand 
Behind the closed door 
All I needed was the love you gave 
All I needed for another day 
And all I ever knew 
Only you 

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