Earth, Wind and Fire

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In The Stone Ukulele tab

Earth, Wind and Fire



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In The Stone

	  INTRO 1:   Bsus9    A      Em/G   Em       
                                                                                      }   2X  
                F#7/4(13)    F#7(#11)   F#7/4                        }  
INTRO 2:   B      A(#11/13)        Em    
                F#7/4(13)    F#7(#11)   F#7/4  
I found that love provides the key  
Unlocks the heart and souls of you and me  
Love will learn to sing your song  
F#7/4(13)     F#7(#11)       F#7/4 
Yeah, love is written in the stone  
Every man I meet is walking time  
Free to wander past his conscious mind  
Love will come and take you home, yeah, eh, eh...  
F#7/4(13)                       F#7(#11)       F#7/4 
Hey, hey, hey... love, ah, written in the stone  
Do you believe, my friend, in what you claim  
People of the world all doubt the same  
Bringing questions of their own, yeah, eh, eh...  
F#7/4(13)                                                             F#7(#11)       F#7/4 
Truth (hey, hey, hey) is written in the stone (truth is written in the stone)  
B                        Em7/4                A7/9                     F#7(sus4)/C#  
In the stone you'll find the meaning, you're not standing tall  
B                     Em7/4              A7/9            G#m7    F#7/4  
In the stone the light is shining, ever touching all  
Life experience a passing day  
Time will witness what the ole folks say  
Getting stronger every day  
F#7/4(13)                                                F#7(#11)       F#7/4 
Strenght is written in the stone (strenght is written in the stone)  
Deep inside your heart for you to keep  
Lies a spark of light that never sleeps  
The greatest love you've ever known, oh, oh, oh...  
F#7/4(13)                          F#7(#11)       F#7/4 
Love is written in the stone (written in the stone)  
B                        Em7/4                A7/9                     F#7(sus4)/C#  
In the stone you'll find the meaning, you're not standing tall  
B                     Em7/4              A7/9            G#m7    F#7/4  
In the stone the light is shining, ever touching all  
B      B/F#    E            A    A#7    B      B/F#      E    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver..... never my darling...... ne  -  ver you'll be alone  
B      B/F#    E            A    A#7    B      B/F#      E    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver..... never my darling...... ne  -  ver you'll be alone  
B     B/F#    E           A    A#7    B    B/F#   E                    A    A#7  
E  -  ver... forever my darling...... true love is written in the stone  
B      B/F#    E            A    A#7    B      B/F#      E    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver..... never my darling...... ne  -  ver you'll be alone  
B     B/F#    E           A    A#7    B    B/F#   E                    A    A#7  
E  -  ver... forever my darling...... true love is written in the stone  
B      B/F#    E            A    A#7    B      B/F#      E    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver..... never my darling...... ne  -  ver you'll be alone  
B     B/F#    E           A    A#7    B    B/F#   E                    A    A#7  
E  -  ver... forever my darling...... true love is written in the stone  
B      B/F#    E    A    A#7    B    B/F#    E    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver.....  
B     B/F#    E    A    A#7    B    B/F#   E                    A    A#7  
E  -  ver...                                       is written in the stone  
B     B/F#    E    A    A#7    B    B/F#   E                    A    A#7  
Ne  -  ver...                                     is written in the stone  
B     B/F#    E    A    A#7    B    B/F#    E    A    A#7        B  
Ne  -  ver...  

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