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Celeste Ukulele tab




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Tono:  C
	  Intro: C F (2x) 

verse 1: 
C            F             C     G     E 
Here I stand acting like a silly clown would, 

        F                 F 
I don't know why Would anybody like to try 

    C           G     E 
The changes I'm going through ? 

  F                F 
A hidden lie would fortify 

C              G       E 
Something that don't exist 

       F                 F 
But it ain't so bad, I'm just a lad, 

   C         G         E 
So many more things to do, 

  A              G     F            G        C 
I intend to come right through them all with you. 

verse 2: 
My songs are merely dreams visiting my mind 
We talk a while by a crooked stile, 
You're lucky to catch a few. 
There's no magic wand in a perfumed hand, 
It's a pleasure to be true. 
In my crystal halls a feather falls 
Being beautiful just for you 
But that might not be quite true, that's up to you. 

verse 3: 
Dawn crept in unseen to find me still awake 
A strange young girl sang her songs for me 
And left 'fore the day was born. 
That dark princess with saddening jest 
She lowered her eyes of woe, 
And I felt her sigh, I wouldn't like to try 
The changes she's going through 
But I hope love comes right through them all with you. 
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