Conan Gray

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The Exit Ukulele tab

Conan Gray



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The Exit

(Conan Gray / Daniel Nigro / Julia Michaels)

Tono:  F
	  Intro F  G  Am  C 
      Em  C  F 

 F                  G              Am 
February, and the flowers haven't even wilted 
       C        Em 
It's crazy how fast you tilted 
     C                  F 
The world that we were busy buildin' 
 F                      G           Am 
Mid-november, and I'm sippin' on a half-cold coffee 
  C           Em 
Starin' at a girl who's not me 
C               F 
On your arm, a carbon copy 

 F                  G        Am 
Feels like we had matching wounds 
                   C         Em 
But mine's still black and bruised 
And yours is perfectly fine now 
 F               G      Am 
Feels like we buried a life 
                C     Em 
Something that never died 
So, God, it hurt when I found out 

F           G   Am        C   Em 
..You love her,….it's over 
                      C        F 
Do you even doubt it on your lips? (What Do you say, say?) 
F           G   Am        C   Em 
..You love her,….it's over 
                      C       F 
You already found someone to miss 
                                      F  Dm  G/B     G 
Whil? I'm still standin' at the exit (Oh-oh,. oh-oh-oh) 
                                Em  C  Am     G  Em  C   Am 
I'm still standin' at the ?xit (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh) 

F                     G            Am 
I can't hate you for getting everything we wanted 
         C                  Em 
I just thought that I would be part of it 
I was movin' into your apartment 
          F                            G 
When you met someone, she's form your hometown 
 Am                                  C 
Hate the East coast, it's where you live now 
Em                                 F 
Possible to understand how you're not comin' back 

But I can't say it out loud 

F           G   Am        C   Em 
..You love her,…'s over 
                      C        F 
Do you even doubt it on your lips? (What Do you say, say?) 
F           G   Am         C   Em 
..You love her,…'s over 
                      C       F 
You already found someone to miss 
                                      F  Dm  G/B     G 
Whil? I'm still standin' at the exit (Oh-oh,. oh-oh-oh) 
                                Em  C  Am     G  Em  C   Am 
I'm still standin' at the ?xit (Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh) 

  F        Dm               Am 
Feels like we had matching wounds 
     G                       F 
But mine's still black and bruised 
     Dm        Am       G 
And yours is perfectly fine now 
 F         Dm           Am 
Feels like we buried a life 
      G                F 
Something that never died 
   Dm       Am           G 
So God, it hurt when I found out 

F           G 
..You love her 
  F        Dm                Am 
(Feels like we had matching wounds) 

Am        C   Em 
…..It's over 
      G                       F 
(But mine's still black and bruised) 

                      C        F 
Do you even doubt it on your lips? 

     Dm          Am      G 
(And yours is perfectly fine now) 

F           G 
..You love her 
  F        Dm            Am 
(Feels like we buried a life) 
Am        C   Em 
…..It's over 
      G                 F 
(Something that never died) 
                      C       F 
You already found someone to miss 

    Dm       Am           G 
(So God, it hurt when I found out) 
F      Dm      Am       G 
..You love her,…it's over 
F              Dm               Am   G 
..You already found someone to miss 
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