Chris Cornell

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Worried Moon Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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Worried Moon

(Chris Cornell)

Tono:  D
Intro: D 

verse 1: 

        D             G 
Worried moon, shining bright 
      G            Bb            D 
Can I sleep here tonight right beside you? 
        D           G 
I got a long way to go 
        Bm         Gm            D                A 
I'll be off in the morning and I hope but I don't know 

Bridge 1: 

             G             D 
If she would have me back again 
Or only want me for a friend 
             D              A 
And leave a stain across my heart 
That never washes out 

verse 2: 

      D           G 
Very soon in the clouds 
          D     Bb          D 
There's a halo around your proud face 
         D               G 
And I'm glad that we're friends 
        Bm       Gm              D        A                 
I might see you again sooner or later, I guess 

Bridge 2: 

     G               D  
Yeah if it all goes wrong 
And I'm a heart without a home 
       D              A 
Maybe you can talk me out 
Of doing myself in 

D Worried moon F G I'm afraid of what's to come D Worried moon F C Yeah tell me what you know D Worried moon F G You see further down the road E Worried moon
verse 3: D There you are G Looking down Bb D I'll be here on the ground if you need me G Yes I dream of a ghost Bm Gm D Of a love that has died or maybe not A But it haunts me now
D Worried moon F G I'm afraid of what's to come D Worried moon F C Yeah tell me what you know D Worried moon F G You see further down the road E Worried moon
Interlude: Bm Looking up D You are gone F#m G A I got into the city at midnight Bm D Oh these eyes looking on F#m G Make me blind and put me down A D Even though it just drives me out Solo: D A
D Worried moon F G I'm afraid of what's to come D Worried moon F C Yeah tell me what you know D Worried moon F G You see further down the road E Worried moon
verse 4: D Dirty moon G On the rise Bm Gm Orange as fire but bitter cold D A You'll remember me I know Bridge 3: G D 'Cause I have moved to another coast Bm With a new love to call my own D A Maybe one day you can bathe us G In your blue light D Worried moon D Worried moon D
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