Chris Cornell

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Steel Rain Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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Steel Rain

(Chris Cornell/Natasha Shneider)

Tono:  F
Intro: F  Am  B 

verse 1
F           Am                 B 
And so we start another day together 
F       Am                     B 
You and I and a million miles between us 
F           Am                   B 
I train my moods to bloom like flowers unfolding 
F            Am       B 
Instead of fluttering around 
And slowly drowning in the 

Am D Steel rain, steel rain Bb Dm E steel rain D E it's taking over, it's taking over
( F Am B ) (2x) verse 2 F Am B The sky is open and the drones are pouring out F Am B The day inhales in a contagious yawn F Am B D And there you smile as though the sun were bouncing in the
Am D Steel rain, steel rain Bb Dm E steel rain D E it's taking over, it's taking over
Solo 3x: F Am B verse 3: D Ebm Here in the little world E Am The tiny world spins for me D Ebm All's well in the tilted world E Am But there's something falling down in the
Am D Steel rain, steel rain Bb Dm E steel rain D E it's taking over, it's taking over
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