Chris Cornell

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Scar On The Sky Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell

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Scar On The Sky

Tono:  C
	  Tabbed By: Ezequiel Gomez de Lima, modded by Spikor 


C-5   X34553 
Gsus4 335533 

C / E / F / C / C-5 / D / Gsus4 / G 

C      E               F             C 
As I fall I leave this scar upon the sky 
C        E                 F                Fm  
A simple note for you, I'll wait for your reply  
D           G            Am                D7 
And in your answer I'll regain my will to try  

C                       Em 
So hover in the diving light 
We will rip the night  
           Fm           Am                                  G 
Out of the arms of the sun one more time  
C                           D 
Close your eyes and we will fly 
Above the clouded sky  
                  Fm         Am         D7 
And over the dumbstruck world we will run  

C         E            F                C 
In these hills they wash the golden grains away  
C         E          F         Fm 
To the valley under all of this I lay  
D          G          Am              D7 
And may you dig me out unearthed and saved  

C                       Em 
So hover in the diving light 
We will rip the night  
           Fm           Am                                  G 
Out of the arms of the sun one more time  
C                           D 
Close your eyes and we will fly 
Above the clouded sky  
                  Fm         Am         D7 
And over the dumbstruck world we will run  
We can rip the night  
Out of the arms of the sun 

Am / Em / Am / Em 
C / D / G# / G / G 

C             E              F           C 
A blood red feather leaves a scar upon my hand  
C             E             F              Fm 
No longer scrounded like a painted bird on a fan  

C                       Em 
So hover in the diving light 
We will rip the night  
           Fm           Am                                  G 
Out of the arms of the sun one more time  
C                           D 
Close your eyes and we will fly 
Above the clouded sky  
                  Fm         Am         D7 
And over the dumbstruck world we will run  

We can rip the night  
G                       C      Bb 
Out of the arms of the sun  

We can rip the night  
G                       C      Bb 
Out of the arms of the sun  

We can rip the night  
G                       C  
Out of the arms of the sun 

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