Chris Cornell

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Part Of Me Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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Part Of Me

Tono:  C#m
	  the song doesn't really sound like it has chords in the verses, these ones work  
quite well, play each one for a beat 

Chris Cornell - Part of Me 

C#m     G#  A G#             C#m        G# A G# 
Little girl I love when she talks to me 
Got the smile and she walk that walk with me 
I want the girl but I want a lot 
Might cross my mind but that's where it stops 

C#m                G#          F#m                   G# 
That bitch ain't a part of me, no that bitch ain't a part of me 
I said no that bitch ain't a part of me, no that bitch ain't a part of me 
I said no that bitch ain't a part of me, no that bitch ain't a part of me 
I said no that bitch ain't a part of me, no that bitch ain't a part of part of part of OWW 

I love the girl, I'm loving the dress she wears 
She's got a hold, got a hold of my neck oh yeah 
I wanna cry; the way that she moves 
I want the girl but not what she's going through 


She was so friendly 
I had one too many 
And now that they tell me 
She was rubbing up against me 
But I swear it never meant a thing 
She was just a fling 
There's no other woman who does it like you 

E-Chords has the most powerful ukulele chords dictionary on the internet. You can enter any chord and even choose the pitch of each string.

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