Chris Cornell

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Imagine Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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(John Winston Lennon)

Tono:  C
C F C F C 

verse 1 
Imagine there's no heaven 
     C           F     C 
It's easy if you try 
No hell below us 
C        Am   F 
Above us only sky 
        C       Dm      G 
Imagine all the people 
Living for today 
        Am                   C 
Imagine there's no countries 
              Dm F      C 
It isn't hard to do 
                   F       C 
Nothing to kill or die for 
And no religion too 
                Dm     C  G 
Imagine all the people 
Living life in peace 

G C E F You may say I'm a dreamer G Em E F But I'm not the only one G C E F I hope someday you'll join us Fm Bb C And the world will be as one
Instrumental Am F C F C verse 2 F C Imagine no possessions F C I wonder if you can F C No need for greed or hunger F Am A brotherhood of man Dm C G Imagine all the people Sharing all the world
F G C E F You may say I'm a dreamer G C Em F But I'm not the only one G G C Em F I hope someday you'll join us Am And the world will be as one
Outro F G C Em F Fm G Bb C F C Am F Fm C
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