Chris Cornell

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I Promise It's Not Goodbye Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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I Promise It's Not Goodbye

(Rory de La Rosa)

Tono:  D
	  Intro: D G 

D      G 
Mommy  please don't cry 
       D              G 
I'm as safe as I can be 
D               G 
I know you miss me so 
    D                      G 
But I've finally been set free 
Bm     A#                 D 
If you find that you need me 
I'll be waiting right here 
To help you get through 
C                           A 
And take away all your fear 
I love you so much mom 
         G       F#m     Em 
But it's time for me to fly 
A              D 
I'll visit you every night 
       G        F#m          Em 
and i swear you its not goodbye 
   A                    D 
I promise it's not goodbye 

Now are the same chords at te same form in the other parts 

Bubba  please don't cry 
I'm still your best friend 
We will always be together 
There'll never be an end 
I hope you don't forget 
The games we loved to play 
Keep me in your heart 
And forever I will stay 
I love you so much brother 
But it's time for me to fly 
I'll visit you every night 
I promise it's not goodbye 
Daddy  please don't cry 
I am still here everyday 
It may not be the same 
But beside you I still lay 
When you think of me tonight 
Hold me tight in your mind 
If you ever again need me 
I won't be hard to find 
I love you so much daddy 
But it's time for me to fly 
I'll visit you every night 
I promise it's not goodbye 
E-Chords has the most powerful ukulele chords dictionary on the internet. You can enter any chord and even choose the pitch of each string.

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