Chris Cornell

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Circling Ukulele tab

Chris Cornell



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(Chris Cornell)

Tono:  G
G  G  A  D  G 

  G                       A  Em A 
Night falls while drunken angels 
  G           D              G  Bbaug 
Sleep by the side of the road 
 G                     A   Em  A 
And I'm nodding in a stairwell 
      G              D          Em  Bbaug 
Just trying to stay out of the cold 

Eb D Circling around the drain Gm Bb Eb Can't find my way back home Ebm The road is long Gm C And never ends Bbm D G G Dark is the heart that wanders
Verse: G A Em A Light breaks in through the window G D G Gm Takes a minute to know where I am G A dying blackbird Em A Gives her soul to the wind G D On the roof of the house G Bbaug That I can see from my bed
Eb D Circling around the drain Gm Bb Eb Show me the way back home Ebm The road is long Gm C And never ends Bb D Eb Dark is the heart that wanders
BREAK: F# I'd crawl a hundred thousand miles Bb Dm Gm Bb Just to see your two eyes look me over Cm F Bb G I'd steal you flowers in the bloodshot light A G D Of the lonely hours on a moonless night BREAK: Eb F# Yeah, just like a stray dog in the rain Bb Dm Gm Bb I can run all night and get nowhere Cm F Bb A I picture you out underneath the porch light Calling my name all night D Am D And waiting for me Verse: G Em A I thought I heard your voice in the water G D G Bbaug As I walked by a fountain uptown G Em A Now I'm an orphaned at the door of church G Em Bbaug Just watching the water come down OUTRO: Eb D Circling around the drain Gm Bb Eb Hope that I make it home Ebm Gm C I never felt so far away Bb D Dark is the heart G That wanders. G Em Ooooooh ooh ooh
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