Catfish And The Bottlemen

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Mission Ukulele tab

Catfish And The Bottlemen



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Tono:  Em
verse 1 
Em         G                          D 
   I'm sure you know what you're doing now 
            C          B7           Em 
If there's a wall, son, knock it down 
         G                D      C         B7 
You know I've shown you the ropes enough to know 
       Em        G                 D 
That almost don't count for nothing now 
       C           B7          Em 
So go ahead, do the missus proud 
       G              D 
Simple things get them right 
            C                  B7 
You'll have enough to last your life 

C                         D 
 That's what I was taught anyway 
                 C            D 
Come in and I'll get ya I can stay 

C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off
verse 2 Em G D I'm sure you know what you're doing now C B7 No getting caught, spinning out Em G D You know you learned from the best C B7 So who's asked about the rest? Em G D They don't count for nothing now C B7 Em You took the words right from my mouth G D Simple things get them right C B7 You'll have enough to last your life Pre-Chorus C D That's what I was taught anyway C D Come in and I'll get ya, talking straight
C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off
Bridge G C G Once we start going on about our life C That sets us up with something, and let's go over to mine Em And we could go Sydney, pretty much any day now A C Knowing us like I do, we'd love it there and stay out for our days C Yeah, anyways Solo Em G D C Em G D C
C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off C We could just sit there, listing ways how Em Looking over my thoughts, never had a hard time C Em I'm talking straight off, talk about a weight off
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