Carla Bruni

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Ballade At Thirty Five Ukulele tab

Carla Bruni



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Ballade At Thirty Five

Áño: 2007 - Álbum: No Promises

(Carla Bruni/Dorothy Parker)

Tono:  C
Intro: C 

C                  C7 
This no song of ingenue 
F                  E 
This no ballad of innocence 
Am                  F 
This the rhyme of a lady who 
Dm               G 
Followed ever the natural bents 
C               C7 
This a solo of sapience 
F                  E 
This a chantey of sophistry 
Am                 F 
This the sum of experiments 
Dm                G         C 
I loved them until they loved me 
I loved them until they loved me 
F                     E        Am  F  Dm  G 
I loved them until they loved me 

C                     C7 
Decked in garments of sable hue 
F                      E 
Daubed with ashes of myriad Lents 
Am               F 
Wearing shower bouquets of rue 
Dm              G 
Walk I ever in penitence 
C                 C7 
Oft I roam as my heart repents 
F                       E 
Through God's acre of memory 
Am                      F 
Marking stones in my reverence 
Dm                G         C 
I loved them until they loved me 
I loved them until they loved me 
F                     E        Am  F  Dm  G 
I loved them until they loved me 

         E         Am 
Pictures pass me in long review - 
         F          G     C 
Marching columns of dead events 
      E           Am 
I was tender and often true 
       Dm           G 
Ever a prey to coincidence 
C                  C7 
Always knew I the consequence 
F                    E 
Always saw what the end would be 
Am                   F 
We're as Nature has made us -- hence 
Dm                G         C 
I loved them until they loved me 
I loved them until they loved me 
F                     E        Am  F  Dm  G 
I loved them until they loved me 

C                  C7 
Princes never I'd give offense 
F                      E 
Won't you think of me tenderly 
Am                         F 
Here's my strength and my weakness gents 
C                  C7 
This no song of ingenue 
F                  E 
This no ballad of innocence 
Am                  F 
This the rhyme of a lady who 
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