Blue Highway

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Through The Window Of A Train Ukulele tab

Blue Highway



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Through The Window Of A Train

(Steve Gulley/Tim Stafford)

Tono:  E
E                         A 
Everybody drives the same old roads these days 
B                           A        E 
Don't see a thing, but they know the way 
E                            A 
Every mile's a marker, every town's the same 
B                         A      E 
Another place to stop but not to stay 

E                           A 
Daddy was a brakeman on the L&N 
B                          A          E 
Sometimes he'd let me ride along with him 
E                           A 
No matter where we'd stop along the way 
B         A        E 
Everybody knew his name 

C#m A E A different story down every line E B People workin' hard just to live and die C#m A E I saw it all once upon a time A B E Through the window of a train
E A Then we started back the way we came B A E Like people moving through a picture frame E A Seems the whole world's further down the track B A E But I'm always looking back E A I don't expect you all to understand B A E Or see the country like a railroad man E A So many things you'd never realize B A E Unless you saw 'em with these eyes
C#m A E Birmingham to Jackson, hear the whistle call E B And the sun goes down like a big red ball C#m A E In my memory I still see it all A B E Through the window of a train
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