Xavier Rudd

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Let Me Be Teclado

Xavier Rudd

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Let Me Be

(Xavier Rudd)


Let Me Be 
(Xavier Rudd) 


oh, uh uh uh 
Let me be now oh oh let me be cause 
I want to be free now ow ow free to see now 
I want to walk away ow ow let me feel my feet 
Let me be free 

verse 1 

Time and time and time we see 
These acts against humanity 
Each for each and each will bleed 
And shed blood for what they each believe 
On and on and on we go 
Some will you see and some won't be 
True to you and truth will lead 
You to a sense of o now..peace 

D-G-A Let me be now oh oh let me be cause I want to be free now ow ow free to see now I want to walk away ow ow let me feel my feet Let me be free
verse 2 Bm-D-G-A Time and time and time we see These acts against humanity Each for each and each will bleed And shed blood for what they each believe On and on and on we go Some will you see and some won't be True to you and truth will lead You to a sense of oh now... peace
D-G-A Let me be now oh oh let me be cause I want to be free now ow ow free to see now I want to walk away ow ow let me feel my feet Let me be free
D-G-A wanna be wanna see would u let me go let me be now ow ow let me be wanna be wanna see would u let me go oh,let me be now um um let me cause i wanna be free oh i wanna be free

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