The Wanted

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Walks Like Rihanna Teclado

The Wanted



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Walks Like Rihanna

(Edvard Førre Erfjord/Lukasz Gottwald/Andy Hill/Henrik Michelsen/Henry Walter)

	  F                   C 
Have you seen that girl? 
Have you seen her? 
Dm                       Bb 
She's the freakiest thing, you gotta meet her 
F                           C           Dm Bb 
Do whatever it takes to get her by your side 

It's not the way she smiles with a little laugh 
It's not the way she looks in a photograph 
But all the boys she crowd around 

She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 
She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 

Have you seen that girl? 
Have you seen her? 
With the way she moves you wanna kiss her 
She'll be the girl of your dreams if you can close your eyes 

You can feel that beat when she?s in the room 
You can feel your heart boom boom boom 
And all the boys she crowd around 

She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 
She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 

She walks like Rihanna! 
She walks like Rihanna! 

Our hearts go boom boom boom boom boom x7 
(she walks like Rihanna!) 
She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 

She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 
She cant sing ? she cant dance 
But who cares ? she walks like Rihanna! 

She walks like Rihanna! 
She walks like Rihanna! 

Our hearts go boom boom boom boom boom 

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