The Wanted

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Mad Man Teclado

The Wanted



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Mad Man

(Fabian Torsson,nina Woodford,britt Burton,tom Parker,max George,jay Mcguiness,siva Kaneswaran,nathan Sykes)

Tono:  Am Más
Mad Man Key EmEm
Mad Man Key FmFm
Mad Man Key F#mF#m
Mad Man Key GmGm(Disminuir uno tono)
Mad Man Key G#mG#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Mad Man Key AmAm(tono original)
Mad Man Key A#mA#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Mad Man Key BmBm(Aumentar uno tono)
Mad Man Key CmCm
Mad Man Key C#mC#m
Mad Man Key DmDm
Mad Man Key D#mD#m

Am F 
         C  G 
I'll let go,  
               Am    F     C 
I'll fight for you until I drop  
       Am    F 
So get ready,  
           C      G 
My love is steady 
It won't slow 
    F        C  
And it won't stop  

Am F           C      G 
   Maybe I'm a mad man   
Am F           C                  Am 
   Maybe I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man 
    F               C      G 
But you won't see a sad man  
            Am         F  C 
When you're looking at me  

Am F                C     G 
   They can call me crazy 
Am     F              C               Am 
   But what good is a life behind the door 
    F                C      G 
And I've been living lately 
            Am         F  C 
When you're looking at me 

Am F 
         C  G 
I'll let go,  
               Am    F     C 
I'll fight for you until I drop  
       Am    F 
So get ready,  
           C      G 
My love is steady 
It won't slow 
    F        C  
And it won't stop  

             Am         F      C    G  
It's like my nerves are set on fire  
            Am           F     C 
It's like a fuse growing in my brain 
           Am         F         C     G 
The sun is rising and we're not tired 
         Am      F      C 
We'll be dancing on for days 

Am F           C       G 
   Maybe I'm a mad man 
Am F           C                  Am  
   Maybe I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad man  
    F               C       G 
But you won't see a sad man  
            Am         F  C 
When you're looking at me  

Am     F              C      G 
   And now feels so amazing  
Am       F           C           Am 
   We're vibing on a higher atmosphere  
    F               C     G 
And you can call me crazy  
            Am       F     C 
But it's so beautiful from here 

Am F 
         C  G 
I'll let go,  
               Am    F     C 
I'll fight for you until I drop  
       Am    F 
So get ready,  
           C      G 
My love is steady 
It won't slow 
    F        C  
And it won't stop  

             Am         F      C    G  
It's like my nerves are set on fire  
            Am           F     C 
It's like a fuse growing in my brain 
           Am         F         C     G 
The sun is rising and we're not tired 
         Am      F      C 
We'll be dancing on for days 

Am     F              C     G 
   And now feels so amazing  
Am       F           C          Am 
   We're vibing on a higher atmosphere 
    F               C     G  
And you can call me crazy  
            Am       F     C 
But it's so beautiful from here 

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