The Rockin Berries

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The Water Is Over My Head Teclado

The Rockin Berries



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The Water Is Over My Head

(Al Kooper/Irwin Levine)

Intro: G C (x2) 

        G                           C                G    C 
Well, I walked to the river just to ease my troubled mind. 
      G                          C                 G 
And I thought about leavin' this cardboard world behind. 
   Bm        Em                C 
My paperdoll princess has just blown out on the door.. 
A                         D 
leavin' nothing more than me. 

C G F C G And now the water is over my head and I keep on sinkin' like F C my soul was lead. G Bm C G And the world on my shoulders gettin' ready to crack..but I'm C Bm Am D G C in too deep and there ain't no turnin', no, no, G C turnin' back, no, no, no.
#2. G C G C Ah, the breeze in the trees just Whisperin' Louise today. G C G And you can take back your rib cause I'm really not made of clay. Bm Em C A My ice-cream dreams have just melted in the night..I'm not standing D here to fight the tide.
C G F C G And now the water is over my head and I keep on sinkin' like F C my soul was lead. G Bm C G And the world on my shoulders gettin' ready to crack..but I'm C Bm Am D G C in too deep and there ain't no turnin', no, no, G C turnin' back, no, no, no.
#3. G C G C Well, everybody's tellin' me that this is wrong and that ain't right. G C G But that can't be because I saw the sunshine last night. Bm Em C My crystal ball is blazin' but there's nothing there to see..oh, there's A D nothing left of me to see.
C G F C G And now the water is over my head and I keep on sinkin' like F C my soul was lead. G Bm C G And the world on my shoulders gettin' ready to crack..but I'm C Bm Am D G C in too deep and there ain't no turnin', no, no, G C turnin' back, no, no, no.
OUTRO: G C (x3) G A sixties smash from Kraziekhat.

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