The Ballroom Thieves

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Lantern Teclado

The Ballroom Thieves



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Tono:  D Más
Lantern Key AA
Lantern Key A#A#
Lantern Key BB
Lantern Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Lantern Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Lantern Key DD(tono original)
Lantern Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Lantern Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Lantern Key FF
Lantern Key F#F#
Lantern Key GG
Lantern Key G#G#


The heart believes in something more than what's been said 
The heart's a two faced fortune teller 
It strangles honesty and ties it to a post, 
                       G             D 
When a seat upon a barstool would be better. 

I do not dare to raise my head or move my limbs 
To see the valley in this state 
I fill my glass and let the evening take its shape, 
                                     G        D 
Spinning knives with luckless lovers time and fate 

G A You're shining still Bm A You're a lantern on a hill D G A And I would burn into the ground D To take you home D Louder grow the words that fall from fortune's jagged lips, D The anchor and the diving bell D And though I fear I may be rudderless at sea, G D I, I, I have searched for ground in deeper wells.
G A You're shining still Bm D You're a lantern on a hill D G D And I would burn into the ground Bm A D G To take you home, home, home Bm D G To take you home, home, home Bm D G To take you home, home, home Bm D To take you home, home, home G A Oh, you're shining still Bm D Oh, you're a lantern on a hill G D And I would burn into the ground D To take you home G D G Home... A Bm D G D Outro D The heart believes in something more than what's been said D The heart's a two faced fortune teller.

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