The Accidentals

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Circling Round Again Teclado

The Accidentals



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Circling Round Again

Dm Dm Dm Dm 
Dm Dm Dm Dm 

      F                 Am 
Your oversized coat, I wear like a burden 
 Gm                   Bbm 
Paper crane memories tucked in my sleeve 
 F                    Am 
Delicate passengers, tossing and turning 
Gm                 Bbm 
All of our history tied up in grief 

     Dm                 Gm 
And when I unravel the thread 
   Bb                          C 
I can’t stop the landslide of what lies ahead 

F Am Now that I’ve got everything that I wanted Gm A It feels like it’s not what I need F Am All I’ve become is a martyr of nothing Gm A Broke us in two to make something complete and now Bb C Bb C Bb C I’m circling round again, circling round again, circling round again
Instrumental Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm F Am Order the coffee, let’s sever the silence Gm Bbm Back where we started, and isn’t it strange? F Am What could be sadder than saying you’re happy? Gm Bbm There’s not enough banter to cover the pain Dm Gm I wish I could call you a friend Bb C I wish we could give up the need to pretend
F Am Now that I’ve got everything that I wanted Gm A It feels like it’s not what I need F Am All I’ve become is a martyr of nothing Gm A Broke us in two to make something complete and now Bb C Bb C Bb C I’m circling round again, circling round again, circling round...
Bbm F An endless, senseless wheel of torture Bbm G Bb C Get me off this carousel ride, baby I’ve tried Interlude F Am
F Am Now that I’ve got everything that I wanted Gm A It feels like it’s not what I need F Am All I’ve become is a martyr of nothing Gm A Broke us in two to make something complete and now Bb C Bb C Bb C I’m circling round again, circling round again, circling round again C Circling round again
Outro Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm Dm

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