
Início > Shinedown > acordes

Special Teclado




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(Brent Smith, Eric Bass, Scott Stevens, Zachary Myers)

Tono:  Bm Más
Special Key F#mF#m
Special Key GmGm
Special Key G#mG#m
Special Key AmAm(Disminuir uno tono)
Special Key A#mA#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Special Key BmBm(tono original)
Special Key CmCm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Special Key C#mC#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Special Key DmDm
Special Key D#mD#m
Special Key EmEm
Special Key FmFm
verse 1 
Bm                   A         G   A 
Hurry up before you go and get old 
Bm                     A         G  A 
Hurry up before your blood runs cold 
Bm                    A        G    A 
None of us were ever meant to stay 
Bm                    A        G    A 
We're all gonna find that one day 

        Bm                  A              G   A 
You see life's too short to run it like a race 
        Bm                         A          E 
So it's never gonna matter if you win first place 
Cause we're all the same 

G D Bm Stop waiting on your fifteen minutes of fame A Cause you're not special G D Bm I'm not trying to rain on your parade A But you're not special G D I'm not trying to bring you down Bm A G I'm not trying to sound so ineffectual A But you're not special
Bm D G A verse 2 Bm A G A Hurry up before the bottle kicks in Bm A G A Before the poison and the pain sets in Pre-Chorus Bm A G A If you take it down a notch and you let me explain Bm A E That on this earth we are all the same E/G# And all I can say is
G D Bm Stop waiting on your fifteen minutes of fame A Cause you're not special G D Bm I'm not trying to rain on your parade A But you're not special G D I'm not trying to bring you down Bm A G I'm not trying to sound so ineffectual A Bm D But you're not special
Bridge G We all live to lie We all fall apart Bm We all go to war For the faint of heart A Instead we're condescending A Bm There are no happy endings G I won't hold my breath I won't cast a doubt Bm I'd never sell you out A But I'll give you one last chance to own it A/C# Cause you're not a god or a poet so
G D Bm Stop waiting on your fifteen minutes of fame A Cause you're not special G D Bm I'm not trying to rain on your parade A But you're not special G D I'm not trying to bring you down Bm A G I'm not trying to sound so ineffectual A But you're not special
Outro G D Bm A (x4)

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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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